Keywords Suggestion Tool

While writing blog posts or articles, one of the most important SEO aspects that digital marketers and bloggers have to keep in mind is to use appropriate keywords throughout the articles.

Overview of a keyword suggestion tool:

A keyword suggestion tool can suggest relevant keywords based on one particular keyword you enter. However, most of the keyword suggestion tools are paid or require you to log into their system even if you just want to use a trial version of their product. But that’s not the story with our FREE keyword research tool.

FREE Keyword Suggestion tool:

Presenting our amazing keyword research tool that automatically finds you relevant keywords for your posts/articles for FREE.

How to use our free keyword analysis tool?

The process of using our free keyword research tool is quite easy. All you need to have is just the main keyword that you are writing your article on. The process is very simple and can be completed in just 2 steps! 

Type that main keyword or paste it into our free keyword generator tool.

→ Click on the check button and with the blink of an eye, the tool will automatically show you top 10 keywords based on the keyword you have entered.

How does a keyword suggestion tool work?

Curious to find out how a keyword suggestion tool works. In the following line, we have given a brief overview of the working for a keyword suggestion tool.

  • First you, the user enter a keyword into the keyword research tool.
  • Our tool has a large database consisting of data from different search engines to give you the best suggestion. As soon as you click on the “Check” button in the tool, the tool goes through that extensive database and picks the top 10 keywords from the database which it thinks have the most relevance with the keyword.

What’s the need of a keyword suggestion tool?

Our keyword suggestion tool shows you top 10 keywords for any given keyword. But what’s the need of the keyword suggestion tool? That’s what we are going to discuss in the section below -

No need to browse keyword here and there in search engines:

Search engines are the primary source to find keywords. If you are writing a blog post or an article, you might search for the keyword in Google or Bing to find related keywords. But, searching for the keywords manually in this way is time-consuming and not efficient.

Our keyword suggestion tool hands you 10 different keywords all at once so you don’t have to waste your time browsing them one by one.

Get your webpage ranked for different keywords:

Whenever a user enters a query in Google or any other search engine, it looks for web pages containing that very keyword. As you include more and more related & relevant keywords, the chances for your page to rank higher in the search engine result page increases.

Improve the relevance of your content:

Including the top 10 keywords presented by the tool increases the relevance of your content. There is no doubt in the fact that the more you cover the related keywords in your content, you are providing data/answers on everything that a user could search for.

And when you provide the user with everything he/she could search for, you are making the ideal piece of content.

The readers/audience will be less likely to bounce off from your website as they are getting everything in just your website. This, if it happens, will result in lower bounce rate and will ultimately boost your ranking in search engines.

Get new ideas:

Last but not the least, from our free keyword analysis tool, you can get new topics or new ideas for a content. The keyword analysis tool presents you 10 different keywords for every keyword that you enter.

From the 10 different keywords, you can get ideas about additional headings or subheadings that you can include in your content. If you find out any particular keyword that stands out, you can also plan to make a separate content/post based on that keyword.

And, that’s how the tool helps to not only suggest keywords but also to give idea about the next possible content.

Features of our keyword research tool:

Our keyword research tool is a free, easy-to-use tool. There are a couple of reasons why we encourage you to select our keyword research tool for any of your keyword research.

Free of cost:

We don’t charge any money for using our keyword research tool. Whether you have to research for one particular keyword or tens or need to find lots of relevant keywords to rank your article or blog post, we invite you to use our free keyword research tool.

We will neither ask you to sign up nor will we ever request you to enter your card details! That’s our speciality.

Unlimited uses:

You can do unlimited keyword research using our tool. For picking the perfect keywords to rank your article to pick the best keywords to display your ads - our keyword generator tool can help you to succeed in different works!

10 different keywords:

There are many popular keywords research tools that show very few keywords in their free versions. But our free keyword analysis tools show you suggestions for 10 different keywords for every piece of keyword you enter.

Keyword suggestion tool for advertisers:

The keyword research tool is like a wand to all the digital marketing wizards. But is that beneficial for advertisers? - Definitely. This keyword suggestion tool is a great tool for advertisers for their keyword analysis.

Advertisers who set advertising campaigns based on keywords know the importance of picking the best keywords to display the ads on. With our keywords research tool, you can get the list of best keywords to display your ads. This will not only help to increase the click through rate of your ads but also will have to get a higher conversion rate as you are selling the users exactly what they want.

How to use the keyword suggestion?

Whenever you hit the “Check” button, our free keyword suggestion tool will bring you a total of 10 different keywords. And now you have the data to make the best piece of content using all these keywords. But how do you make the best content or blog post using the keyword research tool? Follow the guide below -

  • Pick out the main keyword:

To get started with our tool, you first need to pick up a main keyword for which you're going to find the relevant keywords. And picking up that particular keyboard is extremely important as it is going to impact the overall content quality and its search visibility.

  •  As you have picked the most appropriate keyword for your topic, it's time to enter the keyboard in our tool to get the keyword suggestion.
  • After the tool has given you the top 10 suggestions, you need to manually pick the best keywords that you are going to include in your content. You don't have to necessarily use all the keywords suggested by the tool. Select only those keywords that fit perfectly with your topic. And then move on to create your content.

Additional suggestions for using keyword research tool:

Long tail keywords:

Our keyword research tool can show long tail keywords occasionally in the results. However, some digital marketers tend to ignore long tail keywords - but this is a mistake. Long tail keywords are as important as short tail keywords when it comes to SEO. Use a blend of short tail and long tail keywords to make the best contents.

Avoid keyword stuffing:

Keyword stuffing refers to the use of keywords in excessive quantities - and you should not own this practice at any cost. If a search engine detects that you are practicing "keyword stuffing", it can push our website out of search results and may even remove it from search results.

Remember, we are not encouraging you to use fewer keywords, but encouraging you to place your keywords strategically so that it doesn't impact the normal flow of your content, which brings us to our next point.

Create quality content:

The reason why keyword research is important is because search engines rank the web pages based on the keywords. However search engines have become smarter these days.

Now search engines can understand what the user is trying to search and present the list of webpages in the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) accordingly.

So, you should definitely use keywords in your content, but your main focus should be on creating content that helps to solve the user's query.

Frequently asked questions on keyword research tool:

How many relevant keywords can I get using the keyboard research tool?

You can get unlimited keywords using our free keyword analysis tool. But for every individual search, the tool will return 10 different keywords. You can then search other keywords using those keywords reported by the tool.

Can I get keywords for other languages apart from English?

Yes, our research tool is capable of finding keywords in various different languages apart from English.

Farhan Ahmed

Marketing & Growth

Hi there! I am Farhan A marketing nerd with the hands on knowledge of scaling a brand from 0 to 1 with SEO, Performance marketing and Growth hacking.