Robots.txt Generator

Leave blank if you don't have.
Google Image
Google Mobile
MSN Search
Yahoo MM
Yahoo Blogs
DMOZ Checker
MSN PicSearch
The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

Every digital marketer and webmaster wants their webpage to get indexed by Google. But, there are certain parts of the website that should not get indexed by any type of search engine or any kind of bots for they contain really sensitive information or web pages which are not meant to be read by viewers.

With the Robots.txt file, website owners get the full right to determine the rule which page the bots should index and which page it shouldn’t. Robots.txt files are crucial and one single typography mistake can result in the de-indexing of the entire website. That’s why you should always use a robots txt generator to generate the Robot.txt file for your website. 

Free Robots.txt Generator:

Our Robots txt generator tool can generate robots.txt for you website at absolutely no cost. Supply the tool with a few information (for example: which type of search engine bot you would allow to crawl your site) and the tool will generate a beautiful robots.txt file for you site which you can then upload on your website to start imposing the rules on the robots.

How to use the robots file generator tool?

To use our custom robot txt generator you’ll first need to access the tool from here. In the section below we have guided you a step by step guide to use the tool and the meaning of every parameter mentioned in the tool.

Default - All Robots are:

From here you can select the default behaviour of search engine bots. If you want all types of search bots to crawl your page, select “Allow” from this list, else select “disallow”.


The crawl-deley in your robots.txt file teels the search engine about the time it should wait between crawling two pages. In other words, with crawl-delay in robots txt generator, you can set the rate of crawling.

If your website is hosted on a powerful server or if you are using a good hosting plan, you can select the crawl-delay to be minimal.

But, if your sever is not quite strong, you should better select higher crawl-delay such as 10 seconds or 20 seconds, etc. Otherwise, search engine bots will bombard your server with crawl request and the server will eventually fail, causing a downtime.


Sitemap contains a list of all diffeent webpages on your site. If you are using a Content Managment System (CMS) like WordPress or Blogger, it wil automatically crate a sitemap for you site and will continue to add new posts/pages into the sitemap when they are published.

If your website using WordPress, the default sitemap will look like this -

Copy the link of the sitemap of your site and paste it in the sitemap box of the free robots txt generator.

Search robots:

If you want to explicitly mention the search rule for popular search engines, you can do that here in the “search robots” section. Or if you want the rule to be the same as the defualt, leave all the fields at “same as default”.

Disallow folders:

If there is any particular directory in your website folder and you want search engine bots to neither view the contents of folder not index any of the files, you can mention the path of the folder here in the ‘disallow folder’ section of the free robotx txt generator tool.

If you want to include multiple folders in this list, you can do that by clicking on the green “+” button in the right side.

You should mention the path of the directory, not the name of it. And, don’t forget to put a “/” at the end of the directory path.

For example, if there is a directory called “dontindex” inside your website’s root folder and you want the searh engines to not crawl it, write - “/dontindex/” in the text box in the tool.

After filling all the necessary fields, click on the “Generate” button to generate the robotx.txt file.

Features of the robots txt generator:

Our robots.txt generator is a very powerful tool to generate robots file for your website. It has some great features which make it “powerful”.

  1. Custom setting for specific search engine: The robots txt generator allows you to select search settings for most popular search engines. You can select a custom rule for a specific search engine using this section.
  2. Ability to export: After you click on the “generate” button, the tool will show the robots.txt file along with an export button. You can click on the export button to download a copy of the robotx.txt file that you just generated ussing this tool in plain text format. This is the file you can directly upload to your website to be used as robots.txt.
  3. Able to select crawl-dealay: Our tool also gives you the freedom to select the crawl-dealy. You can set it according to the capacity of your website’s sever.

Farhan Ahmed

Marketing & Growth

Hi there! I am Farhan A marketing nerd with the hands on knowledge of scaling a brand from 0 to 1 with SEO, Performance marketing and Growth hacking.