Twitter Card Generator Tool

When you share the link of your website on Twitter, it generates a link preview of the shared link - it’s called Twitter card. But, do you know you can customize how the link preview looks using some code?

Free Twitter card generator tool:

Our Twitter card generator tool helps you to generate code for the twitter bot that tells it how to preview the link. Creating custom link preview using the free twitter card generator will make your links stand out when they are shared on the platform.

This will help the links get more noticed, increasing the click through rate and eventually increasing your website’s traffic through social media traffic.

Steps generate the code using the twitter card generator tool

To generate the code for a Twitter card, you have to enter some information about the product of your choice. We have provided a complete guide on what information to enter and how -

Select type:

In the first section named “Select type”, you have to select the type of content. There are five options to select from, namely: App, Player, Product, Summary, Summary with Large Image.

Carefully select the one which describes your link’s content appropriately.

Type - App:

If you want to promote your application through Twitter, select this. On entering other valid details, this will generate a direct link to your application.

Type - Player:

If you want Twitter to display an audio or a video in your link preview, select this option. When selected, Twitter will show a video/audio player in the link preview.

Type - Summary:

Selecting the type of your Twitter card as “summary” will tell the Twitter bot to display a title and description for your link along with a small image.

Type - Summary card with large image:

The “Summary card with large image” is almost identical to the previous one, except the fact that this type of card will tell the Twitter bot to generate large thumbnail instead of a small thumbnail.

Type - Product:

If you want to promote your products through Twitter and your main focus is to display the product image and the description, this is the option to select.

Site Username:

Enter your Twitter username in this section. Double check the username or copy-paste it from your profile.

App Name:

If you want to promote your app through your shared link, select type “app” and enter the name of your app in this section.

iPhone App ID:

When you publish your iOS app on the Apple Store, you get an unique app id for iPhone, also known as ‘iPhone App ID”. Enter the app id in this section. Similar to the previous section, it’s only for those of you who want to promote their app.

iPad App ID:

Enter the Apple Store ID for iPad in this section.

Google Play App ID:

If your app is for Android devices and you’ve uploaded the app on Google Play, you’ll have a Google Play ID for that app. Enter the Google Play App ID (only applicable for ‘App cards’)

App Country (If Not Available in US Store):

If your app is not present in the Apple Store or Play Store in the US or is for use in a particular territory or region, use this option to specify the country of the app from which the app originates/will be used.

Only enter the country code here (e.g.: IN for India), don’t enter the full name of your country.


If you want to display an image, use this option to add the URL(s) of the image/images. To get better reach, it is always recommended to use images in your Twitter reach. Attach multiple images using the “+” button labeled in green.


Put a summary about your product/app/website or anything you’re promoting through the link. We always recommend you not to use any clickbait in your description as you may receive a penalty by doing so.

After finishing entering everything necessary, you just need to click the “generate” button to generate the HTML code.

Now you need to include this HTML code inside the head section (<head>....</head>) of your HTML file and save/upload that on your server.

After you finish doing so Twitter will show your contents in the expected format.


The card maker for Twitter is a simple tool, but the proper use of the tool can make thousands of visitors visiting your website/products/downloading your app. Again make sure to check the username section and the other details before uploading the final code.

Farhan Ahmed

Marketing & Growth

Hi there! I am Farhan A marketing nerd with the hands on knowledge of scaling a brand from 0 to 1 with SEO, Performance marketing and Growth hacking.