Google AdSense Calculator

To place Ads on site and earn from them, every blogger and digital marketer’s first choice is Google AdSense. But, a problem with Google AdSense is that the earning varies too much based on the demographics of the audience and the topics of your content.

Free Google AdSense Calculator:

If you are having problems calculating your estimated AdSense earning, you can use our free Google AdSense calculator tool to calculate the estimated daily, monthly and yearly earning for your website.

How does the calculator work?

The Adsense revenue calculator tool is a very simple online tool that calculates the estimated AdSense earning based on your given input. You have to enter three details in the calculator in order for the calculator to calculate the earnings.

Page Impressions:

Page impression refers to the number of Google AdSense ads shown in your website. If AdSense decides to display 10 ads per page, they all will be counted in the number of page impressions.

From your Google AdSense dashboard you can get the number of AdSense Ad impressions that are being shown across all the websites under your AdSense account combined. Put the number of ad impressions shown per day in the Adsense earning calculator tool.

Click Through Rate (CTR) in %:

Click through rate or CTR is the rate of ads clicked by visitors visiting your website. CTR or click through rate is mostly calculated in percentage (%).

Google AdSense dashboard also shows you the CTR for the ads that are being shown in your websites under your AdSense account.

Cost Per Click:

Cost per click, as the name says, is the average amount of money your AdSense account receives whenever a visitor clicks on any ads on your website.

Cost per click which is also called CPC varies widely based on the country and topic of content. This is also shown in your AdSense dashboard.

While entering the CPC, you should check the currency in which your CPC is reported from Google AdSense dashboard. For most Asian countries including India, the CPC is mainly reported in dollars.

After you enter these three information in the AdSense revenue calculator tool, click the calculate button to calculate the estimated AdSense earning for your account.

Calculation report:

Based on the given numbers, the website AdSense earning checker tool will calculate your estimated earning.

The formula that the tool will use to calculate is very simple:

Your estimated daily earning = Impression x Click Through Rate (CTR) in % x Cost per click (CPC).

Let’s understand the math with a simple example,

Suppose all your websites under your AdSense account show 1000 AdSense Ad impressions per day. So, the number of ad impressions will be 1000.

Let’s assume, the click through rate (CTR) for your AdSense account is at 5% and the cost per click (CPC) is $0.50.

Daily earning = $ (1000 x 5 % x 0.50) = $25

So your estimated daily earning will be around $25.

Now, multiplying the daily estimated AdSense earning by 30, we get the monthly AdSense account earning to be around $750 and yearly AdSense earning to be $9125.

Frequently asked question:

Q: Can I control the number of page impressions?

A: Yes, you can control the number of impressions shown in your websites. If you use auto ads then you can use the auto ads slider to increase or decrease the number of ad impressions shown across your websites.

But, if you use CMS like WordPress there are plugins with which you can set up manual ads on your websites and control the exact number of ads shown in your website.

Q: How to increase my AdSense earning?

A: AdSense earning is mainly dependent on demographics of the people visiting your website. For countries like the USA or countries in Europe, AdSense revenue is significantly higher compared to Asian countries.

So, to increase your chances of earning higher, you can build your website for an audience from those nations.

Alternatively, if you want to improve your AdSense earning with your own audience, the best way would be to optimize your Ads, including optimizing their positions or improve the page speed, optimize the number of ads displayed.

Farhan Ahmed

Marketing & Growth

Hi there! I am Farhan A marketing nerd with the hands on knowledge of scaling a brand from 0 to 1 with SEO, Performance marketing and Growth hacking.